'The world as it is' by O. Twist

Poverty, famine, wars, corporate greed, oil, terrorism, money, money, and money. Man's first accomplishment was probably killing a mammoth. Sign? I'm not really sure anymore. I usually demand certain things that some people may find naive. I try not to stab people in the back and to think about the overall welfare of my surrounding individuals before myself. I'm a workaholic. I've had one sick day off for the past four years at work. When people ask me why work so hard, it's worthless… and of course the endless strings of على قد فلوسهم I respond by saying that what you do defines you.
I'm an easily inspired person. Not easily influenced… inspired. A song can drive me on for months, an instrumental, a good movie, a book, a look.
A part of my job is to tell people 'This is where you make da big bucks. Give us your money and I'll make you rich'.
Personally, I never touch the money. I don't see it and I have no idea what they, my proud owners – the corporate entity, actually do with the money except have it stored away for a long time. I guarantee things that I can't control, but then again I guess this is what we all do one way or the other. It's part of a job, a lifestyle, a promise to a friend, a father's pledge, a line from a marriage proposal. Everything is uphill from here… that's what they all said.
The way I see the world? I think the world's become too complex for simple answers. The simpler you are, the less ambitious people may think of you. The deeper you are, the crazier you must be. I hold a job that pays well, I have friends, not so many but enough, I have a family that I love… and still the little leprechaun inside demands MORE. Oliver is not the only poor soul that demands more. We all do.
If I had more guts I'd quit my job and do music or write screenplays or novels. I'd even do it for free. I chickened out of the things that I want a zillion times.
رفعت الأقلام و جفت الصحف
Call me an idealist… but I just wanna die in my sleep.