'Deep cleansing breaths',

she said … and it worked like magic.
He was angry. He was pissed. Unfortunately, He knew how his mind worked and how his psychological self functions. When pissed, his mind tends to seek peace in solitary confinement. Solitude has always been the answer, his only answer; his excuse to be left alone unbothered.
'Deep, cleansing breaths', she said.
He smiled.
He wasn't angry anymore. He didn't fear tomorrow. He knew that all he had to do was take a deep and cleansing breath to reassure himself that everything is alright, just like she said.
He still had unanswered questions, but he knew that her breaths would do for now...
and he ended up smiling for no reason whatsoever…
Vwery powerful stuff
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/26/2006 12:57:00 PM